Category: Logic Apps

  • Using splitOn in a trigger to avoid zero length executions

    Last week I was reviewing a logic app with one of the lead developers at Theta. It was a relatively simple logic app. It needed to call an oData endpoint on a regular basis, and process the value back. The developer original design was to: Poll the oData endpoint on the agreed interval. Test if…

  • Treat every Logic App environment as production

    This is a cautionary tale… A month or so ago, someone from support asked me why the hell a test environment had spent over a thousand NZD  in Logic Apps actions. My first reaction was “Are you kidding?”… my second reaction was that pit in your stomach feeling when you know something is really wrong,…

  • Creating Logic Apps Classic Alerts with Powershell

    Have you ever created a logic apps solution – maybe 10 or so logic apps – and noticed that you needed to enable basic notification alerts for all of them? I found a while ago that this was kind of a tedious process, so I end up creating a PowerShell script for that. I end…

  • Automating API Management Backup and Restore with Logic Apps

    I’ve been working during the last week or so on setting up a DR strategy for a solution that is based on API Management, Azure Functions and Service Bus. Most of the deployment to the secondary site is dealt by VSTS, but one of the main issues on the proposed strategy was the fact that…

  • Logic Apps x Microsoft Flow – which one should I choose?

    Recently I’ve presented at Directions ASIA 2018 with my good friend and MVP Tharanga Chandrasekara, and I’ve been exposed to a “new world” – the Business Solutions world! Coming from and enterprise integration background, I usually tend to gravitate around the enterprise integration tools and lately iPaaS offering, so my initial reaction to integration will…

  • Enable/disable all logic apps in a resource group

    Have you ever wanted to stop all logic apps in a resource group in one go – either for production maintenance, or maybe because that set of logic apps in a resource group is eating all your resources? If so, welcome to the club… What you probably found is that there is no way to…

  • Developing Logic Apps in the Portal

    When it comes to developing Logic Apps, everyone has a preference. Some people like to develop in the portal, while others like to start development directly from Visual Studio. I am in the first group mainly because a lot of my logic apps involves integration with the Dynamics 365 CRM connector, which doesn’t play well…

  • API Management Gotcha – Empty Body Definition

    A while ago I saw a question in the forums where someone was trying to use a POST operation using the API Management action in Logic Apps and the action card didn’t have any way to input the body object. To replicate the issue I’ve create a very simple logic app, so simple in fact…

  • Rethinking an old Logic App deployment package- part IV

    Previously in Note to self… I got one step closer to my goal to export all logic apps from a resource group to a Visual Studio project, using linked templates to deploy all logic apps in one when required, but still being able to deploy individual logic apps for a patch template. In previous posts,…

  • Rethinking an old Logic App deployment package – part III

    Previously in Note to self… I’ve been discussing how I’ve leveraged Jeff Hollan’s Logic App Template Generator and some PowerShell goodness to export a ARM templates to all Logic Apps in a specific resource group. You can read about that here. Linking ARM Templates together Azure Resource Manager templates have the ability to link templates,…