Category: Cloud Integration

  • Combining API Management with Azure Relays

    As you might remember, in June I was at the Integrate 2018, doing a presentation called Exposing BizTalk to the World. It was my second time presenting on what became the premier conference on Microsoft Integration and it was a fantastic experience. It wouldn’t be fair to talk about Integrate without thanking Theta for sponsoring…

  • Automating API Management Backup and Restore with Logic Apps

    I’ve been working during the last week or so on setting up a DR strategy for a solution that is based on API Management, Azure Functions and Service Bus. Most of the deployment to the secondary site is dealt by VSTS, but one of the main issues on the proposed strategy was the fact that…

  • API Management Gotcha – Empty Body Definition

    A while ago I saw a question in the forums where someone was trying to use a POST operation using the API Management action in Logic Apps and the action card didn’t have any way to input the body object. To replicate the issue I’ve create a very simple logic app, so simple in fact…