Category: Code Samples
API Management – Restrict Operation Access per Product
Last week I had an interesting request from a client. They have been creating generic APIs, using a variety of different backend systems (on-prem APIs, Azure Functions, Logic Apps, cloud APIs). Those APIs were grouped by product but even within a product they would like to restrict access to only some operations, so product A…
Logic App Trigger Conditions
During December’s episode of Integration Downunder, Alessandro Moura showed a recap of the main features that announced for Logic Apps throughout the year. If you didn’t watch it on the day, you should take a look at the webcast. One of the features that caught my attention, which I haven’t seen before, was the trigger…
Creating Logic Apps Classic Alerts with Powershell
Have you ever created a logic apps solution – maybe 10 or so logic apps – and noticed that you needed to enable basic notification alerts for all of them? I found a while ago that this was kind of a tedious process, so I end up creating a PowerShell script for that. I end…
Automating API Management Backup and Restore with Logic Apps
I’ve been working during the last week or so on setting up a DR strategy for a solution that is based on API Management, Azure Functions and Service Bus. Most of the deployment to the secondary site is dealt by VSTS, but one of the main issues on the proposed strategy was the fact that…
Acessing Event Hubs with Confluent Kafka Library
A while ago, I was involved in a project that needed to push messages to a Kafka topic. I found that while the .NET code required for that implementation was relatively straight-forward – thanks to the Confluent’s .NET client for Kafka – configuring the server was a nightmare. The IT team at the client site…
Rethinking an old Logic App deployment package- part IV
Previously in Note to self… I got one step closer to my goal to export all logic apps from a resource group to a Visual Studio project, using linked templates to deploy all logic apps in one when required, but still being able to deploy individual logic apps for a patch template. In previous posts,…
Rethinking an old Logic App deployment package – part III
Previously in Note to self… I’ve been discussing how I’ve leveraged Jeff Hollan’s Logic App Template Generator and some PowerShell goodness to export a ARM templates to all Logic Apps in a specific resource group. You can read about that here. Linking ARM Templates together Azure Resource Manager templates have the ability to link templates,…
Rethinking an old Logic App deployment package – part II
Previously in Note to self… I’ve been discussing how my first Logic App deployment package was not exactly what I’ve envisaged. So when I had a chance to revamp it, I jumped into the opportunity. You can read about that here. Logic App Template Generator I’ve decided to use Jeff Hollan’s Logic App Template Generator…