Global Integration Bootcamp 2021 goes Virtual!!!

Hey there! Happy New Year!!!

Many of you were asking about if we would be doing another Global Integration Bootcamp this year. I know that there is been a while since we provided any news about it, but the team was trying to come up with a formula that would work for our goal of a 24 hour around the globe marathon of Microsoft Integration goodness! We knew that we wanted:

  • Stream it in a way that you could just tune in and watch whenever you were, instead of having to join a specific application.
  • Run through as many timezones as possible.
  • Open up for the community to bring their content either live or pre-recorded.

After much discussion (read HEAPS of Whats App messages going back and forth, tests on multiple streaming platforms, and trying to find a time that didn’t clash with other events), we locked it on 26-27 February (UTC Time) running three different event streams starting at times that are more suitable for the three main time zone areas- APAC, EMEA and Americas.

But for that to fly we need sessions and people ready to present right? So the Call for Papers process is now open. We are catering for both lightning talks (15 minutes) and breakout sessions (30-45 minutes) and any level (from introductory to advanced), so if you are interested in Microsoft Cloud and Hybrid Integration and would like to present in one of those time zones, please submit a session -or 3. The link for the CFP page is:

Submissions end on 5 February, so get your thinking caps on, or dust off that classic session you would like to revisit and send it our way!

Also, make sure you keep an eye on the event website ( ) as we will be adding more information about the format and the links for the streaming pages, closer to the event.

In Summary


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